Wednesday, August 1, 2007

And The Winner Is......

No one voted.
Not a single comment in 24 hours.
A statement for the inspiration of apathy.
Or should that be inspired by apathy?

I was never much of a bargainer at the shuk, but tomorrow will test my mettle in bargaining in the professional setting.
Wish me luck.


Unknown said...

i vote that you suck for not waiting for me before getting married. now you have one vote :o)

Anonymous said...

Im confused on what I'm suppose to be voting on.... :)


shira said...

sorry for not voting... can't even decide what i want to do with my own life. seems too pro.. nu, that long word that means it's way over too much for me to decide for you. YOMRANI

Unknown said...

Hey Ryan! First, I'd like to say a big hello and mazal tov on your nuptials. Second, I vote you keep job searching. After all, you only started the search and something with a longer pros list can be waiting for you. Good luck!