Sunday, September 16, 2007

A Few Days Off

Not much to report for now, really. As Rosh Hashana just passed, I had two days off from work. In most circumstances, that would be a good thing. But for now, when I am really trying to get myself adjusted to my new workplace, the timing is bad. I think (I hope) I had a breakthrough on Wednesday, but I won't find out 'til tomorrow.

The baseball season is winding down and the hockey season is getting ready to start. I really would love to find a challenging group of fantasy players to do a pool with. I really miss that stuff. And I would love to put my working theories to the test.

Before I sign off, I should say that Maya and I will find out if we have the apartment by Wednesday. Wish us luck.

I remain,


1 comment:

shira said...

yeah, i was thinking the same of the hockey season.. whatever. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Maya and you and I'd love to read about your new home - where, what (but not how much cause us, free riders, don't know anything abou that).